Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Scientific Method

Here are some fun posters relating to the Scientific Method. Posters like these are available from a number of teaching resource stores and websites.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Our Science Project for the 2013 science night at our school!

Our science project was a big hit on Science Night!  Here's the text of our display: 

The Penny Experiment
“I observed that pennies get dirty and sticky.”
       --RJH and VG

“Dirty pennies may confuse the cashier.”

“When they get stuck in my backpack they get smelly.”

“I observed that if pennies get left in the dark they get dirty or rusty.”

Questions:  What will happen if we place a penny in different liquid solutions:  water, salt water, carbonated water, lemon juice, vinegar, or vinegar with salt?  Which solution would best clean a penny?

“I think some liquids would be different than other liquids.  I think vinegar would make it dirty.”

“I think that certain liquids will change the pennies differently.  I think the water will make it shiny.”

“I think that certain liquids will change the penny differently.” 

“When I put the penny in the lemon juice, I think the lemon juice will make the penny dirty.”

“I think when I put the vinegar and salt together, it will explode.”
                                         --HC & ZL

“I think when I put the penny in the water it will rust.”

“I think that certain liquids will change the penny differently.  I think that the liquids have different minerals in them.”

“I think the acid will explode.”

“I think that when H puts the salt into the vinegar, it will make the whole school explode.”

“I think the lemon juice won’t clean the pennies.”

 Experimental Procedure:
“We researched items that could clean pennies such as Pelligrino bubbly water, lemon juice, vinegar, salt water, plain water, or vinegar and salt (HCl).”
       --R and IEH

“We put pennies in test tubes with solutions and observed what happened.”
       --OS and TO

“We put pennies in test tubes.”

·     Test tubes or clear cups
·     Pennies
·     Tap water
·     Carbonated (“bubby”) water
·     Vinegar
·     Salt
·     Lemon juice
·     Eye droppers

“To me the plain water didn’t do anything.  HCl made the penny really shiny like a new penny.”

“Salt water cleaned the penny a little.”

“Vinegar – made the penny shiny.”

“Lemon juice made penny shiny.”

“Penny in HCl – it made pennies shiniest.  Penny in bubbly water – made penny darker.”

“I thought the water and salt wouldn’t stick to the penny – it did.” 

“For my penny, the vinegar got it shiny and clean.  The water got the penny rusty.”

“A penny in water made the dirt come off.”

“Penny in water – cleaned off dirt.”

“A penny in bubbly water dyed the penny black.”

“Penny in Pellegrino made penny darker.
              --AO and AM

“Penny in bubbly water – made penny darker.”

“Penny in water – cleaned off dirt.”

“Salt water – made penny clearer.”

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lindsay Wildlife Museum- Walnut Creek, CA

The Lindsay Wildlife Museum has one of the nation's first and largest wildlife rehabilitation hospitals.    The museum also has a virtual exhibit where children can soar like a raptor over Mt. Diablo.  I really want to take my son to see the honeybee exhibit as his uncle did beekeeping for fun in Michigan.  This museum is a local treasure, and they also have Larkey Park which is a fun place for children of all ages to run around and picnic.

I'd love to have a veterinarian come in to our class as the "Big Cheese."


Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Current hours (These change depending on the season)
Wednesday through Friday 12PM-5PM
Saturday and Sunday 10AM-5PM