Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Prototypes and Statements of Purpose

Our students have prepared prototypes of their inventions.  They have also discussed the purpose of their inventions.  

We're posting photos of the prototypes that were in class as of May 10th.  More pictures will follow.

B & M's "B & M's Fertilizer"

We really like helping in the garden.  Our invention will help plants grow faster.  It will also attract bees, which should allow the plants to pollenate faster.  We want the fertilizer to smell good.  Making the fertilizer smell good is very tough.  We are also trying to make it a liquid, so it will be easier to use.  We are experimenting with coffee grounds and banana peels.  We have a special top, which should allow you to sprinkle the fertilizer with it.  We have two versions.  The garden version looks like a ketchup bottle.  The farmer’s version is larger.  

A's "A's Burgers"

I like burgers.  I want to be able to make really healthy burgers because there really are no healthy burger places in town.  I would also like to have a place that I can own.  The prototype shows the lettering for the logo of my restaurant, which took a long time to make.

M's Glove Jacket

On cold days, if you have a regular jacket you might forget your gloves.  With the Glove Jacket you don’t have to remember your gloves because they will be attached to the jacket.  I also invented a sports jacket with baseball gloves.


J's Model Mickey Mouse

My invention is a model of Mickey Mouse.  It can be a friend for kids to play with.  The gloves are made to look like Mickey’s gloves.  

K & H's Cutie Fruitie

The Cutie Fruitie is a duct-taped scented and waterproof digital watch.  The purpose is to allow you to go swimming with your watch.  You can see the time when you are swimming.  After you swim, it will keep its scent and will smell nice when you get out of the pool.  Also, kids love duct tape with pictures on it.  The tape has different patterns for boys and for girls.  For the boys, we have skulls.  Girls have several different patterns.  We may also have other choices.  We are making duct tape wallets and a first aid kit, too.

M & Z's Food + Technology = Fun

Our invention lets you charge your phone, see it, and use it while you eat.  You do not need to hold the phone since it is attached to your bowl.  You can also watch a movie on your phone while you eat.    

L's Model Horse

I invented the model horse to help children learn about and like animals.  The models can include animals beyond just horses.  

L & V's Amazing Translating Dictionary

We invented the Amazing Translating Dictionary so that someone can know what another person is saying in another language.  It should be extremely useful especially when traveling.  

B's Lego Safe

The Lego Safe will keep things safe and locked up.  It has a piece like a key, which connects to gears that connect to the door and open and close the safe.  A Lego piece will work as the key.  I build the prototype myself and it is not a part of a Lego kit.

O & K's Baking Robot

Sometimes we can get bored and hungry.  It always seems to be “almost” lunch or “almost” dinner, and we just want to eat.  We can use the baking robot to make food for us.  It will also help my mother work in the bakery.    

O, B, & K's Miniature Golf

We wanted to make something fun that we could play outside instead of playing X-Box.  Our miniature golf will not have windmills.  It will be like grown-up golf for kids.  

A & I's Dog Scratcher

We thought that a dog scratcher could be very helpful because a dog will not have to roll on the floor to scratch his or her back.  When a dog rolls on the floor, the dog may shed hair and make a real mess.  Our invention is also made to be very comfortable for the dog while he or she is being scratched.

J's Toddler-Proof Book

I was thinking about toddlers.  They can really make a mess and can ruin books.  I came up with the idea that special tape can help you erase the mess that a toddler might make when writing on a book, but you could still read the book.

M's Homework Pencil

Sometimes people need help solving an equation and their parents cannot help them.  This pencil can!  The prototype Homework Pencil will have a calculator screen attached.  You can type in numbers and numbers will pop up.  You then push “enter” and it will solve your equation for you.  the final invention will have a computer inside the pencil.

O's Radio Active Phone

The Radio Active Phone has a radio right on your phone so that you do not have to put your songs onto the phone.  My mother was trying to get music on her phone.  It seemed like it would just be easier to have a radio right on the phone.  

R & M's Condapoo

The purpose of Condapoo is so that you will not have to take long showers.  Shampoo and conditioner will be together in one bottle and you can use them at the same time to speed up your shower.  It will have a nice scent so that your hair will smell good.  Right now we plan to have lemon and gardenia scents, and also tropical breeze.

Earlier prototype:

S's Hair Clip Invention

I didn’t like wearing a lot of hair clips.  My hair was really messed up one day.  I invented this because it will work better for holding my hair.  

ZL's Lego Hotel

I invented a Lego Hotel.  It is a model of a hotel made using Legos.  The real hotel will be really big.  That way more people will stay in it.  The real one will be made out of bricks instead of the Legos that I am using for the prototype.  

V & RJ's Math Cards

We invented math vocabulary cards to help people with their math vocabulary.  Students will try to figure out the categories of the math subjects.  Questions will be one one side.  Answers will be on the back of the cards.  The cards are especially useful for little kids.  We will create fifty-two cards, which is a whole deck.

M & A's Stuffing Magic

If you need stuffing, you can use Stuffing Magic to just pull some out!  You can recycle the stuffing when you are done.  Stuffing Magic is really useful in case your older brother rips off the head of your favorite stuffed animal.

Earlier prototype:

M & A's Xtreme Beauty

We invented a nail polish and cleaner in one!  It will make using nail polish easy.  The nail polish is on top.  The cleaner is on the bottom with a cotton ball. 

D's TV Glasses

I invented TV Glasses because kids get bored.  You can change these glasses to see any channel.  You can also take the TV glasses anywhere, so you won’t get bored.

S's Pizza Plant

The purpose of the pizza plant is to grow pizza.  My idea is to genetically engineer a tree so that it will grow cheese, pepperoni, and sausage pizza.  I like pizza, and I was thinking it would be great if pizza could just grow.

A's Lego Truck

The purpose of the Lego Truck is for kids to be able to play around with the truck and change it.  I made the Lego Truck myself.  It is NOT a Lego kit.  You can change the tires and wheels.  It has a jack to change the tires.  It also has a spot for luggage in the back.  The luggage area is a special feature.  Also, the back of the truck comes down.  I separately created a Lego boat and jet.

Earlier prototype: