Friday, December 12, 2014

Real Chestnuts roasting over an open fire at the Cornish Christmas Celebration tonight in Grass Valley, CA

Both this Friday  and next Friday there is a Cornish Christmas celebration in Grass Valley, California.  There are two highlights that my son and I enjoyed last year:

1.  The live young and older musicians in period costumes playing fiddle, guitar, etc.  It inspired my son to practice his violin!

2.  The man really roasting chestnuts in a huge bonfire in the middle of the street in front of the Holbrooke Hotel!  It really gave meaning to the classic song!

3.  All the merriment of a holiday festival with food, song, crafts, music, etc.  This one really helps one imagine life in another era, where men and women worked hard, had little, but cherished the simple pleasures of hearty food, good song, and a warm fire with family and friends!

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