Sunday, February 10, 2013

Invention Convention 2013!

Welcome to the blog for Invention Convention 2013!  After a lot of brainstorming and discussion, our amazing inventors have conceived all sorts of new inventions.  Some are serious.  Others are intended to be funny and silly.  All of them get us to think about important questions like, "What is an invention?  What does it mean to invent something?"  Our inventors have written about their inventions, and we will blog about them here!

We can do a few things on this blog:

First, we will share our inventions here.

Second, we can share comments about our inventions on the blog.  Anyone can make comments, so long as they follow a few rules (which we will list in a later blog post).

Third, we will discuss the upcoming 2013 Science Fair.  We will also share resources that you can use in creating a Science Fair project if you would like to do that.  

Fourth, we will share lots of resources and ideas about science and invention.

We look forward to having you spend time with us here on our blog!

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