Sunday, June 9, 2013

Condapoo (MC & REH)


R and I made Condapoo.  I liked putting duct tape on it.  I enjoyed putting the conditioner and shampoo in the bottle.  I didn’t like finding the bottle.

I think my invention is important because you take shorter showers and it is bad to waste water.  If I rebuilt it, I would put different duct tape on it.

If I built another prototype, I would make a piggy bank.  When you put money in it, you could use it to wash your hands so you don’t have to go to the bathroom after touching the money.


I made a couple of bottles of Condapoo.  I liked putting duct tape on the Condapoo.  I did not like mixing the bottles.

I think my invention is important because it makes it easier to wash your hair.  If I rebuilt the prototype I would make it in a different duct tape design.

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