Sunday, April 28, 2013


This week, our students took the next step on the path to building our prototypes by creating blueprints.  They began to visualize how they will build their prototypes and what the final prototype might look like, which is an important step in the design process.  The blueprints help us think about how we might transform an idea into an actual physical model in class.  

Hairband Clips (SG)

Homework Pencil (MM)

Pizza Plant (S)

Xtreme Beauty (MP & AB)

Safe (BW)

Vocabulary Flash Cards (V&R)

B&M's Fertilizer

Wood Mickey (JT)

A's Burgers (AM)

Baking Robot (OS & KC)

Cutie Fruitie (HC)

The Lego Suburban Truck (A)

Food + Technology = FUN (ZM & MQ)

The Amazing Translating Dictionary (LR & VG)

Dog Scratcher (AB & IEH)

Toddler-Proof Book (JW)

Radioactive Phone (OJ)

Lego Hotel (ZL)

Glove Jacket (MB)

Condapoo (R&M)

TV Glasses (TO and DB)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Design Process Overview

The students have spent time over the past  weeks thinking about their possible inventions and refining their ideas.  Now, the students have picked an idea.  They are now thinking seriously about how to design their idea.

Making an idea into an invention involves many important steps.  We are now ready to start building a prototype of our inventions in class this Friday.  In our process so far, we made observations about what might or might not work.  We researched ideas in order to decide whether it is worth pursuing and, if so, how we might make a model or prototype to show at the Invention Convention.  We are also going to be talking about the potential benefits of their inventions.

Now, we have to think hard about how to actually build the prototype.  In order to build a prototype, we need to think about the supplies that we will need, and how those supplies will fit together in the prototype.  We can make blueprints or draw pictures of what the prototype might look like.  We then need to gather our supplies and start putting the prototype together.

The blog entries this week focus on the students' first drafts of their design processes.  You can read about the process they used to come up with their idea, and see the students begin to think more deeply about how to create their prototype.    

Most of the prototypes are going to be based on easily-available classroom supplies.  The intent is not to have the students go out and buy lots of materials, but rather that the prototypes will be based on easily-available supplies and recyclables (paper, rolls, pencils, crayons/markers, etc).  Some students may even be planning to bring Legos or other supplies from home in order to build their prototype.       

M and MQ's Design Process for Invention

Title:  iPod + Food = Greatness

Observation:  I want to invent something exciting.  I wanted to do it so people can be on the phone and eat.

Research:  We talked about it and thought about it.

Hypothesis:  Our invention will help stop food from getting on an iPod.  We think it will fork for real.

Supplies Needed:  iPod; paper; plate

Prototype of Invention:  We will build an iPod food cover.  We hope to create not a prototype but the real thing.

BA's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Good-Smelling Fertilizer

Observations:  I observed that if you add one spoonful of fertilizer to a plant and then water it, the fertilizer helps the plant grow in 1-2 days.

Hypothesis:  Fertilizer will be better to use if it smells good.  We think that if it works our families will be rich and be able to do a lot of things.  Maybe they can open their own restaurant.

Supplies Needed:  Soil; fertilizer; perfume

Prototype of Invention:  I will mix the fertilizer with perfume and then test it on soil with a small plant growing in it.

BW's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Lego Safe

Observation:  I really like legos and I want something to hold them.

Research:  I had many ideas but those might not work so I chose this one.

Hypothesis:  I think a lego safe will work and be fun.

Supplies Needed:  Legos

Prototype of Invention:  I will create a lego safe.  I might make shelves for A's car.

LR's Design Process for Invention

Title:  The Amazing Translating Dictionary

Observation:  Dictionaries are big.  I want to learn other languages.

Research:  I have decided that a dictionary is more useful if it has four languages.

Hypothesis:  I think that a dictionary that can translate into four languages will help a lot of people.

Supplies Needed:  Clay and a big book.  The color of the clay is blue, red, green, purple, and black.

Prototype of Invention:  I will create the Amazing Translating Dictionary.

JW's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Toddler Proof Book

Observation:  I noticed that toddlers ruin books.

Research:  What can I do to make a toddler not ruin a book?

Hypothesis:  I think I can make a book that is toddler proof.

Supplies Needed:  I need a baby book, a sponge, and a roll of tape.

Prototype of Invention:  I am going to make a toddler proof book by putting scotch tape on a book to make it see-through and easy to wipe clean.

KC and HC's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Cutie Fruitie

Observation:  A watch could be more fun.  I made a menu of the types of watches we will sell.

Research:  How can I make a watch water proof?  I will visit stores and look at watches for ideas.  We are thinking of ways to scent our watches.

Hypothesis:  I could use duct tape to make a watch water proof.  We hope it is a good business.

Supplies Needed:  Duct tape; scent; sparkles.

Prototype of Invention:  My watch will be made of duct tape and will be scented, water proof, and sparkly.

AO's Design Process for Invention

Title:  The Lego Truck

Observation:  A truck can transform or if you don't it can be a regular truck.

Research:  Could I create a lego truck that you can transform?  I got my idea from my imagination and from what is on real cars.

Hypothesis:  I think that a lego truck that can transform will be fun for other kids.

Supplies Needed:  Legos

Protoype of Invention:  I will create a lego truck.  B is making a lego safe and can put my truck in it.  He said it is okay with him and it was his idea to put it in.

SC's Design Process for Invention

Title:  The Pizza Plant

Observation:  It grows pizza (I hope).

Research:  How can I make a pizza plant?  I thought about my pizza plant.  Then I decided it will be my invention.

Hypothesis:  I think that my pizza plant can grow (I hope), and I also hope it will be awesome!

Supplies Needed:  Pizza; dirt; plant pot; tooth picks; something to glue pictures onto.

Prototype of Invention:  I will create a pizza plant.  The plant will go in the plant pot with dirt.  Toothpicks will be on the plant and pizza will be attached.

ZL's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Lego Hotel

Observation:  I noticed people building with legos.  I wonder if the lego company would build my hotel invention?

Research:  My grandma and brother like to play with legos.  I got the idea while I was watching them.

Hypothesis:  I think that people would like to stay at my lego hotel.

Supplies Needed:  I will need legos and glue.  I will use lego doors and windows.

Prototype of Invention:
  Step 1:  Glue the legos.
  Step 2:  Roll up the blueprint.
  Step 3:  Sell it to the lego company and they will give me a thousand dollars.

K's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Baking Robot "Cillimeter 5000"

Observation:  I want to make a prototype out of boxes and metal tubes.  I really like making robots. Robots have metal in them.

Research:  I will look on the internet for my research.  I will look at books about robots.

Hypothesis:  I think that it would be fun to play with a robot and control it.

Supplies Needed:  2 boxes; metal (or paper) tubes; pencil (for the robot's hand); paper; markers.

Prototype of Invention:  My robot will look like a real robot.  I will paint the boxes.  It will move.  My robot will help students do their homework.  It can talk to students about their work.

JT and V's Design Process for Invention

Title:  The Football Helmet

Observation:  It is important to know where to run in football games.  If you use the football helmet, it will be easier to play football.  

Research:  Can I make a football helmet?  I thought about different ideas with my friend.  I got this idea from watching the AFC Championship before the Superbowl, when the Patriots lost.  I think about my idea when I play football and rugby.

Hypothesis:  I think that a football helmet that can tell you where to go in a football game would help a player.  I think that my invention will be really popular and will help football players by telling them what to do.

Supplies Needed:  I will use a plastic helmet from Big 5.  I will also use a face visor and an old phone and headphones.  .

Prototype of Invention:  Under development.

MM's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Homework Pencil 3000

Observation:  My invention will do your homework for you.

Research:  Can I make a pencil that does your homework?  I thought about a pencil that does homework.

Hypothesis:  I think that my invention will help people.

Supplies Needed:  Pencil; calculator.  I am still developing my list of supplies.

Prototype of Invention:  I will create a pencil that does your homework.  It will have a calculator. I am still developing it.

RSH's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Supply Man

Observation:  Having supplies in a supply man will be helpful.

Research:  How is the rubber band ball going to stick to the clay?

Hypothesis:  I think that a supply man will be helpful and also useful.

Supplies Needed:  I will need clay and a rubber band ball.

Prototype of Invention:  I will put the pencils in the head.  The head will be a rubber band ball.  It will have buttons for eyes.  Pencils will be the arms and legs.  They will stick out of a clay body.

IEH and AB's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Scratch Your Back Machine

Observation:  It will help you scratch your back.

Research:  Will the forks that scratch your back hurt you?  Will it look cool?

Hypothesis:  I think that it will help people who love having their back scratched.  I think it will be interesting.

Supplies Needed:  Duct tape; a mattress; a pillow; four forks.

Prototype of Invention:  I will create a scratch your back machine.  We first wanted to use putty and then we changed it.

SG's Design Process for Invention

Title:  Hair-Clip Band

Observation:  My observation is that if you use a hair-clip band you won't have to use nine hairclips and a hair band.

Research:  How can I make a hair-clip band that will not poke you?  I thought of my idea when I was wearing a hair band and ten hair clips.  It was annoying.

Hypothesis:  I think that my invention will work because I don't think anything wrong will happen.

AM's Design Process for Invention

Title:  A's Burgers

Observation:  I tried lots of burger places and they all have lots of grease.

Research:  Could I create a healthy burger restaurant?

Hypothesis:  I can make burgers that don't have grease and are healthy.

Supplies needed:  Colored paper; markers; scissors.

Prototype of Invention:  I'm going to make a prototype of the food and restaurant.  M can help make the restaurant out of clay.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Invention Convention Update

The students have been brainstorming and revising their inventive ideas in preparation for the upcoming Invention Convention.  It seems like the enthusiasm is everywhere.  We've posted letters written to me by the students about their planned inventions and the supplies they plan to use.  We've also posted some of their drawings and sketches of their inventions.

Pizza Plant

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  I am inventing a pizza plant.  My pizza plant will grow pizza.  The leaves will look like tiny pizzas.  My pizza plant will cost $5.99.  The supplies I am going to build it with are a plant pot, some dirt, a plant, some water, some toothpicks, pizza, and something to stick or glue pictures onto it.




Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention.  The safe is kind of small but once I find a way to make it lock I will make it bigger.  I might use a piece that has the numbers one through five to make a code.  Or, I will make a Lego key.  I can’t wait until it is finished.



Lego Hotel

Dear Ms. W,

My invention would be a Lego Hotel.  This hotel is made out of Legos.  It would have 50 rooms per family.  It would have 2 swimming pools and 1 hot tub.  The Lego Hotel comes with legos you can keep.  Once you get there, your children can play with them.  You can order pizza and it comes on plates made from legos.  Lego guys come visit you to tell you to have a good time.  My invention would be the best hotel.



Environmentally Safe Clipboard

Dear Ms. W,

For my invention I am going to make a clipboard.  My clipboard is going to not be made out of trees so it will save the environment.  I will need a top of a paint can.  I will also need a top of a clipboard.  My mom is a painter so I can get a paint can top.  I have clipboards at home so I can get a top.  I can’t wait to finish my clipboard.

See you soon,


Play-Calling Helmet and Other Inventions

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  My invention is a football helmet that tells you where to go.  My other invention is a spray that makes something new.  For example an iPhone 5 turns into an iPhone 10.  Also my other invention is a robot dog that looks and feels like a dog.  And it does your every command.  And then it turns into a Super iPhone.  I can’t wait until the Invention Convention.



Chef Robot

Dear Ms. W,

I like my idea of the chef robot.  If I actually had one it would be cool.  It would help my mom.  It would make me cupcakes.



Homework Pencil

Dear Ms. W,

I am excited about the Invention Convention!  My invention is a pencil that does your homework for you.  There is a little screen on the pencil and numbers under the screen.  You type in the equation with the numbers and you click “enter.”  The screen will tell you the answer.  The supplies are a marker, a pencil, and clay.  The pencil will only cost $11.45.



Supply Man

Dear Ms. W,

I wanted to do a supply man, but I wonder if it is too close to M’s idea.  The rubber band ball would be the head.  The body would be clay.  The two arms will be pencils.  The hair will also be pencil.  So whenever you need a supply it will be there.  Oh, and the two eyes will be buttons.  I can’t wait until the Invention Convention!



Scratch Your Back Machine

Dear Ms. W,

I am excited about the Invention Convention!  Thank you for letting us do this.  To me this is an honor to do this.  I think you are the best teacher!  For my invention, IEH and I are working on it together.  The supplies I will need are four forks to scratch your back, a shoe box, and a pillow to rest your head. 



Dear Ms. W,

My invention is going to be a Scratch Your Back Machine.  I chose this idea because my back loves to be scratched.  You can sleep on it because when you lay down you are on a mattress.  The supplies you will need are a mattress, four forks to scratch your back, and a pillow to rest your head.  I am very excited about the Invention Convention.



Robot Cow

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  My invention is a robot cow that can do my homework, clean the house, and cook anything that I want.  My other invention will be a money press so I will be rich.  I really want to make my invention.  My robot will make sausage, bacon, ham, burgers, cheese burgers, and everything.



Crazy Hat

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention.  I am inventing a crazy hat.  It is for Crazy Hat Day.  I am so happy you are my teacher.  Another thing I am inventing is perfume.  I need supplies for my perfume, like an old perfume bottle.



A's Burgers

Dear Ms. W,

I’m making a burger place called “A’s Burgers.”  It will be a good place to go.  I’m very excited about the Invention Convention.  Everybody can go to my restaurant because it will be in locations across the world.  The ingredients for the model will be clay (colored), a box, glue, plastic (for windows), and a pencil (which I already have).  The real burgers will be with fries or apple sauce.  All the time they have A’s clam chowder.  The A Burger, the M burger, and the C burger are other burgers.  The locations for A’s Burgers are xxxxxxxxx.



[names redacted and replaced with abbreviations for privacy; locations redacted]

Money-Summoning Wallet

Dear Ms. W,

I am so excited about the Invention Convention!  My invention is a wallet because I don’t have one.  This wallet is different.  This wallet can summon money!  So, if you say, “fifty dollars,” it will appear.



Protect Your Wireless Device and Eat

Dear Ms. W,

I am going to do a thing where you can eat and your phone won’t get all dirty with your food.  You’ll have your plate and then a plastic shield and then a place for your phone to sit and maybe even charge.  The shield will be see-through so you can see your phone while you eat.  But, the charger is a plug-in.  I hope it turns out the way I planned.



Store Your Wireless Device and Eat

Dear Ms. W,

My invention is a bowl, plate, and cup, and it stores your iPod Touch, and it charges your iPod Touch at the same time.  This offer also includes a free brand new fork #2.  The secret is it only has two prongs, and that’s why it is a fork #2.  It helps if you can’t get the last piece of noodle or food.



Lego Truck

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  I am inventing a Lego truck.  I want my invention to be in stores.  I can change it to be high truck and a four-seater.



Special Plant Fertilizer

Dear Ms. W,

I am going to invent a plant fertilizer that smells like strawberries and bananas.  This fertilizer combines cooking, nature, and fruit and vegetables.    What you do to make it is a secret.  The smell will attract bees so it would help the flowers and the soil.  My invention solves the problem of having a plant live even when you only water it once.  My invention is not new. 



Dear Ms. W,

I am going to help B with the plant feed.  It keeps dogs away from the plant so they won’t get sick.  B had the idea.  I’m just helping her build it.  You add blended bananas, blended strawberries, grated orange, and grated lemon.  You mix them in a pot with water.  Then you put it in the fridge for one hour.

Your friend,


Perfume and Cleaner

Dear Ms. W,

I can’t wait for the Invention Convention!  My invention is going to be a perfume.  It’s going to be made out of fruit, such as strawberries, apples, and raspberries.  I’m going to mix them in a blender and put essential oils in to make it smell even better!  I’m also going to make a cleaner.  Thank you for all your help with my invention.

Thanks so much,


New School Supplies

Dear Ms. W,

I love the idea of the Invention Convention!  I am inventing a new line of school supplies.  One of my ideas are sticky boards.  They are cut up white boards.  I am also doing a pencil holder that clips on to other people’s desks.  I am so happy about the Invention Convention.



"Right to the Hoop" Basketball

Dear Ms. W,

I am excited about the Invention Convention.  My idea is to make a basketball that, if you tell it to, will go right to the basketball hoop.  I am so excited about my invention.  My invention can help you with basketball.  My invention is new.



AMAZING Translating Dictionary

Dear Ms. W,

We invented the “Amazing Translating Dictionary.”  This dictionary is unusual because when you look up a word in English, you will also find the word in French, Spanish, and Italian.  This dictionary is a large book you check out at the library or buy at the store.  What makes this dictionary so AMAZING is when you press the word in English, the dictionary will speak.  It will pronounce the words in the other languages.  You won’t disturb others because there are headphones that plug into the dictionary.

Hemos inventado el "Diccionario de traduccion increible."  Este diccionario es raro por que quando buscar una palabra en Ingles, tambien se encuentra la palabra en rances, espanol y italiano.  Este diccionario es un libro grande que usted echa un vistazo en la biblioteca o comprar en la tienda.  Lo que hace que este diccionario es tan sorprendente cuando se pulsa la palabra en Ingles, el diccionario hablara.  Se pronounce las palabras en los otros idiomas.  Usted no va a molestar a lost demas, por que no son los auriculares que se conectan en el diccionario.


VG and LR

Super Taco

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  I am inventing a taco that has lots of things in it.  It has ice cream, pork meat balls, ribs, soup, chips, salsa, hamburger, and fries.



The Cutie Fruities Watch

Dear Ms. W,

I am so excited about H inviting me to do the duct tape watch.  It’s going to be a duct taped, scented and digital watch.  We are naming our company Cutie Fruties.  We are still working out some details.  With our water-proof watch, you can jump in the pool without it breaking.  We have all of the stuff for the invention.



Dear Ms. W,

For my invention, K and I are going to make a watch.  Our watch is going to be made out of duct tape.  It is water proof and is scented.  Our name will be Cutie Frutie.  Cutie Fruitie will be a big hit.  Cutie is because we are cute, and Fruitie is because our flavors are fruity.  I am so excited I can’t wait.




Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention!  R and I are making different kinds of Condapoo.  We are going to do it in different ways.  We are going to smell each different flavor.  It would be bad if they didn’t smell good.  I hope they smell good!  It is going to be so much fun!




April 12, 2013

Dear Ms. W,

I am very excited about the Invention Convention.  M and I are inventing a project called Condapoo for anyone except hobos.  This will make it faster to take a bath or a shower.  I will need a bottle of shampoo and conditioner and some water.



Hair Clip Band

Dear Ms. W,

My invention is a hair-clip band.  My invention solves a problem so you don’t have to use 9 hair clips and a hair band.  My invention is new.  I need a hot glue gun, 9 hair clips, and a pony-tail.  I hope my invention works!  I started working on it on March 1, 2013.

Your friend,


Toddler-Proof Book

April 12, 2013

Dear Ms. W,

My invention is a toddler proof book.  If a toddler draws on it you can erase it with a sock, your finger, or with a dry eraser.  What I’m going to use for the model is a clear scotch tape to make it clear and erasable.  You don’t only have to draw on it with dry erase marker.  You could draw on it with anything.  You just need a sponge, Mr. Clean, or an eraser.  A Mr. Clean eraser would probably work best, but you can still read the book because the tape is clear.
