Thursday, April 11, 2013

Invention Convention at Open House Night - May 24, 2013

Dear Parents,

On Open House Night, May 24, 2013, our class will feature an Invention Convention.  The students are looking forward to creating in class and sharing inventions with the class and school community.

The goal of the project is for each child in class to use his or her creativity and imagination to invent a solution to a problem.  In science class, we will follow the steps of the design process and scientific method to transform his or her idea into a prototype that he or she can share with the school community.

Science time will be dedicated to working on inventions, so most students will not need to work on their projects outside of school.  The children will be asked to bring in some of the materials to create their inventions (aside from common classroom materials like tape, staples, paper, etc.), and will probably seek your help with gathering the necessary materials.  I have also been gathering materials that I think may be useful for students when creating a prototype.  I will be encouraging the students to use simple materials and to think about re-purposing things they already have around the house.  Re-using materials not only saves money, but also has a smaller impact on the environment and fosters creativity.

We will be working as a community of inventors.  Students will help each other with ideas and peer testing.  The invention must perform a practical function to solve an every-day problem.  Most students have already picked an idea and have written about it in their journals or in letters to me.  You can read some of these writings on the blog ( 

Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions about this project.  Also, please look at our Invention Convention blog for more ideas.
                                                                                                                Ms. W

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